
Welcome to RaphaRx Wellness and Compounding Pharmacy!

Our business goes beyond selling pills. We are focused
on helping you GET and STAY healthy!

We are a pharmacy that takes pride on providing excellent personalized care to the patients in the community where we live.  Our success depends on how well we get to know our customers and the impact we have on their well-being.  Pharmacists are some of the most trusted healthcare providers, and we plan to bring that level of trust to the patients in our community.  We will reach out and work with our local medical providers in a collaborative fashion so that as a team we can improve the health of the individuals we serve.

Participating in regular health and wellness screenings is a great way to stay healthy. We offer screenings for diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. We also offer support to individuals struggling with weight loss, smoking cessation, and family planning. We can offer birth control directly from our pharmacy with no need to go in for a visit to a physician.

Your RaphaRx pharmacist is a resource for information, expertise and guidance as you manage your health. Give us a call and one of our dedicated staff members will set up an appointment with the pharmacist.

Please see below our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.